Podcast #16: AT1 (Additional Tier 1)

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://youtu.be/RSV7go6WLRs Transcript: This podcast outlines some of the moving parts associated with Additional Tier 1 bonds, better known as AT1, also known as or Cocos. These instruments are an essential part of the capital structure of many […]

Podcast #15: Backstopping the banking system 2.0

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://youtu.be/gdeCC2ggf1U Transcript: After the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and the organized takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS under the protection of the Swiss Central Bank, financial authorities, both sides of the Atlantic have finally taken […]

Podcast #14: Fat Cats getting even Fatter

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://youtu.be/8Nxr7-58_fw Transcript: This podcast is called could fat cats be getting even fatter? After the Silicon Valley bank collapse, U.S. financial authorities made sure all deposits were secured. Furthermore, Mark to Maturity quality bank board bond portfolios […]

Podcast #13: Back door QE

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://youtu.be/ub2H2v0M8uo Transcript: This podcast is called Backdoor QE. The authorities recently put in place two important interventions to save the regional banking industry.   #1 – By ensuring all the deposits in the institutions concerned, the authorities […]

Podcast #12: Until they break something…

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzTEGDRbHms Transcript: In 2022, certain analysts expected the Federal Reserve to tighten financial conditions until they broke something. In its efforts to engineer some kind of credit constraint after years of financial hubris. It was unlikely a […]

Podcast #11: Cutting Markets Down to Size

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. Transcript: In a prior podcast entitled Beware of a Change in Sentiment, we outlined the possibility of investor exuberance while inflation remained elevated. We explained at the time how this would most probably be contained by a […]

Podcast #10: 1970s Comparison

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://youtu.be/q1gheNYPMPM Transcript: We are hearing here and there referenced the 1970s to justify further monetary repression. The protagonists of this narrative should know better than making such comparisons. For some of them have lived through this period, […]

Podcast #9: Is Inflation a Necessary Evil?

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. https://youtu.be/2qGgWqGZa8s Transcript: This podcast asks the question if inflation is a necessary evil. Since the beginning of organized monetary systems, inflation has been with us. At times it’s been caused by a temporary mismatch between demand and […]

Podcast #8: Be Aware of a Change in Sentiment

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. Transcript: This podcast is entitled Be aware of a change in sentiment. 2022 was a very poor year for the performance of many assets. Some of the drawdowns range from severe to historic. January 2023 kicks off […]

Podcast #7: Fat Cats and Starving Dogs

Short and concise analysis on concepts or recent events in the financial markets from the ASG Capital Team. Transcript: The topic of today is about fat cats and starving dogs. Fat cats is a term to describe the rich and powerful. Starving dogs are aspiring to be fat cats, but are far from getting there. […]

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